WCGN 2019 Fall Potluck

Come and meet your neighbors!

WCGN will hold its Fall Potluck and business meeting on:
October 6, 2019
at the home of Fauzia and Zamir Garcia,
128 West Tulpehocken, starting at 3 pm.

If you can, please bring food or a beverage to share (no pork products though).

And come prepared to check out some silent auction items (see below)!

The business meeting will start about 5:00, and will include updates on development issues affecting the neighborhood. It will also include election of officers. The nominating committee (Luke Russell and Russell Fulton) will present the following slate of nominees:
President: Marjorie Russell,
Vice President 1: Luke Smith,
Vice President 2: Roberta Moore,
Secretary: Russell Fulton,
Treasurer: Johan de Jong.

The minutes of the most recent business meeting, on Memorial Day, can be found at: 2019 May meeting.

The Fall Potluck this year will include a Silent Auction! If you have either an item or a service that you could contribute, please call Roberta Moore at 603-359-8679. Services need not be professional in nature—examples suggested so far have included a knitting lesson, a couple of hours of wrought-iron welding, reading aloud to a child.

Thank You!

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