As of now, there are at least four very dense developments on the boards for our area:

1. MOSAIC: 6134R-46 Wayne Avenue, across from the Tulpehocken train station
This is a complex of several buildings constituting 83 units—55 rentals and 28 condos, 25 parking spaces including one ADA. Mosaic presented its plans to WCGN at an RCO meeting in February, and the vote was overwhelmingly against the developer. Next (and prior to the ZBA hearing) Mosaic is required to take its plans to the city’s Civic Design Review Board. That meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, April 20, at 1:00 pm, and it is possible for members of the public to attend.
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For details about the project and Mosaic’s interactions with WCGN, click HERE.

2. HIGHTOP: 6144 Germantown Avenue, the corner of Germantown Ave. and Tulpehocken St.
This is a mixed-use building with 50 apartments plus commercial space fronting Germantown Avenue, 15 parking spaces available through Settlement Music School. So far, this project has been approved by the city without requiring any zoning variances.

3. KCA Design Associates: 51 W Rittenhouse
This is a 32-unit apartment building with 11 parking spaces including one ADA, on a property currently zoned RSA-5 (Residential Single Attached.) An RCO meeting was held March 3, and an overwhelming majority voted not to support their request for variances. On Wednesday, April 7, the ZBA approved the developer’s plan with the proviso that the number of units be reduced from 32 to 26, as recommended by the City Planning Commission. This despite the attendance of not only many neighbors in opposition but also a representative from the City Councilperson’s (Cindy Bass’s) office who eloquently voiced objections to the plan.

As of July, there were plans to stick to the developers’ earlier proposal: “236 one- or two-bedroom housing units with 159 parking spaces, accompanied by a cafe, coworking space, a charter school and community facilities,” (Ryan Briggs, WHYY web site, July 9, 2020), but they could by right build 277 units with zero parking, and finances might push them more in that direction. There is an update meeting coming up soon:
Topic: GCA Community Update
Time: Apr 8, 2021, 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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