Category: MISC.

January 2018 Potluck

A great time was had by all at WCGN’s January Potluck/meeting this past Sunday. Marjorie and Luke Russell once again opened their home to us and we filled it with food and conversation. Around 5:00 we had our business meeting covering topics from street traffic and zoning issues to announcements of local art exhibits (Ebenezer […]

Fall Potluck

The weather was fine on October 1, 2017, so WCGN’s fall potluck business meeting was held in the Corsovers’ lovely back yard. The group voted in the officers for 2017-18. In addition to reports from the treasurer, the Zoning Committee, and the Garden Committee, the neighbors heard a summary of Darin Bielby’s plans for 224 […]

Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new WCGN’s web site. Hopefully it will introduce you to our organization, our values and our activities and if you are within our district entice you to become a member. If you are already a member, thank you for being patient while we have built this new site. Our plan for this […]

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